Patient Participation Group
About our PPG
Our Patient Participation Group is passionate about improving services for all of our patients. They meet around 4 times a year with practice staff. They work with the practice to make changes where possible, and raise awareness of health issues. Before the pandemic, they completed a large patient survey and started to run information events on chronic diseases. Unfortunatley, activites were halted for a while, but from 2023 we are working hard on new projects. Watch this space for updates!
We currently have 11 regular members of our PPG. However, we are on the lookout to diversify our group and particularly need young people, people with long-term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you wish to express an interest to join the patient participation group, please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.
If you have a suggestion, or would like to contact the PPG, please use the 'Contact the PPG' button below, or email the group at; your comments and ideas can then be discussed with the practice.

A blood pressure information event organised by our PPG
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Ground Rules
- This group is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues.
- We advocate open and honest communication.
- All views are valid and will be listened to.
- Silence indicates agreement - please speak up!
Practice Survey Reporting
For the detailed results of our recent practice survey then click Patient Survey Results